Mikayla Gilkey- June 2022

Battling Leaks

Leaks are NO fun. The last thing you want to worry about when you are getting your kiddo up for the morning is having to add to your laundry load because your cloth diaper didn’t contain the pee or poo! We’ve been there and we’ve done that. So what’s the solution?

There are a couple of things to consider when dealing with leaks:

  • Am I adding enough absorbency?
  • Am I achieving a proper fit?
  • Are my diapers free of buildup?


Absorbency is a BIG deal. When first exploring cloth diapers or troubleshooting, it can be intimidating to be met with so many options for both diapers AND inserts. When thinking about which absorbent fibers to use, consider how quickly they absorb and also how much. Absorbency can make or break your experience with cloth diapering, especially if you have a heavy wetter or flooder. The materials you want to invest in are the natural fibers that pack a lot of punch while avoiding plastics. Open the tabs below to discover which fiber, or combination of fibers, work best for your family! Below each type of fiber I also included how sustainable they are to the environment.

Microfiber-A synthetic material that is made from a blend of polyester and polyamide or sometimes nylon. Microfiber looks fuzzy because of the thousands of tiny strands that the fiber is split into that are ready to soak up moisture. Microfiber is the quickest to absorb and it does it extremely well. However, its ability to quickly draw out moisture from surfaces leaves this fiber to not be able to be used against skin. If used against the skin it will lead to dryness and often rashes as a result from the absence of moisture. Additionally, microfiber does not hold in that moisture very well. In fact, by adding a little bit of pressure the liquids can squeeze right out! This is what we call a compression leak. Microfiber isn't all bad news! Because it is so quick to absorb, many use microfiber inserts inside of pocket diapers on top of other inserts that are able to hold more liquids. Charcoal bamboo is often made with microfiber on the inside to achieve this same quick-absorbing effect while being able to be used against the skin. 

*Because microfiber is a synthetic plastic, the fibre is not sustainable to the environment. 

Bamboo- Bamboo is a natural fiber that is quick to absorb and has moderate absorbency. A single bamboo or charcoal bamboo insert (which is often also layered with microfiber for quickness) is great to use in the daytime for at least 2 hours for light/moderate wetters. Many use a bamboo insert in combination with inserts that have more absorbency (see below). 

*Bamboo as a plant is naturally occurring and regenerating, requires little water to farm, requires no fertilizer, and absorbs large amounts of carbon dioxide. Bamboo is thought to be one of the more sustainable fibers, however bamboo production also involves chemicals to process it and turn it into fabric. 

Cotton- The magical fiber that is not only quick to absorb, but also absorbs a lot! Cotton is greatly loved in the cloth diaper community for its ability to quickly draw in liquid while also being able to hold in a lot more than fibers like bamboo or microfiber. Because of this, it is an insert by itself in the daytime for moderate wetters. Even night time wear and heavier wetters can feel the difference with cotton when you use a cotton insert with multiple layers. Cotton also comes in a lot of different shapes in the cloth diaper community (inserts, fitteds, prefolds, FSTs, etc). So even if you don't use pocket diapers regularly, you can still have all of the benefits of cotton!

*Cotton of course is a natural fiber and is a very common plant to harvest. However, cotton is less sustainable than bamboo. Cotton requires a lot of water to harvest and fertilizers. However, because cotton fiber is so highly absorbent, most cloth users will hold on to their cotton inserts and even use them for other things around the house such as cleaning and for burping cloths. This makes cotton stick around for a longer time in a single household. 

Hemp- The super insert! Hemp is no underdog when it comes to absorbency. Hemp holds the MOST out of all of the other fibers and lays night time woes to rest. Although it absorbs the most liquid, hemp is not typically used alone because it also absorbs the slowest. Because of this, when using hemp it is best to pair it with a quicker absorber like bamboo or cotton. When used in combination with other fibers, hemp will soak up everything the top fiber takes in and allows more and more to be absorbed. 

* Hemp is one of the most sustainable fibers you can use! Every part of a hemp plant can be used, it is regenerative, naturally reduces pets-so no pesticides needed, requires very little water, and gives 70% back to the soil it takes from. Hemp can be turned into fiber organically or by using chemicals. 

When troubleshooting diaper leaks, be sure that you are using the right insert combinations for your kiddo. As they are drinking more liquids and eating more foods, opting for higher absorbing materials can save you a lot of headache. Try combining inserts together and invest in inserts with more layers of natural materials.Grab your favorite inserts here

The Perfect Fit

The fit of your diapers could very well be playing a part in your leak troubles. Here are things to check for:

  • Does your waist cover the 2 finger rule? A proper waist fit allows for two finger widths between the diaper and the kiddo's tummy
  • Is your diaper's leg elastics tucked into the leg creases? You should see no gaps where the elastics touch your kiddo's legs. The elastics should be snug against the skin without being tight
  • Is the diaper overall snug around your kiddo without being too tight and leaving angry marks?


Confident you are using the correct absorbency and your fit is secure but you are suddenly dealing with leaks? You could have buildup! Buildup in your diapers can be evident by odors such as ammonia or barnyard smells. It can also be evident by sudden repelling of liquids. Buildup can be caused by difference things such as:

  • Detergent buildup- most commonly seen in soft water that has not successfully washed out all of the detergent from the diapers
  • Mineral buildup- most commonly seen in hard water that has not been treated by added water softeners to the washing machine during a load or a water softening system

Buildup is no fun and can be a pain to get under control. However, it can be easily avoided by establishing a good wash routine.